2006 |
This is my family. It consists of three people. Well one is technically a cat but that's exactly the point I'm trying to make. Families come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and living arrangements.
Mr. C and I have been together for over 11 years now and Rufus has been part of our family for the last 8 years. He's moved house with us, destroyed furniture, made us laugh with his crazy stunts, shed hair all over the place...
He can hear our footsteps the moment we open the front door of the
apartment building and wait for us at the front door even though we live
on 3rd floor! As far as unconditional love and acceptance go it doesn't get any more real than this.
2011 |
Mr. C and I
jokingly refer to ourselves as mum and dad and some people can't get
past it. And don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware that Rufus is a cat and
not a substitute for a child. He's a cat and is treated as such though
his living conditions vastly differ from a wild cat or a feral cat.
still as a family member he gets treated like a member of the family
not like some disposable commodity that gets thrown out the moment it's
no longer useful.
2013 |
the past I've had to deal with inappropriate comments and sideways
glances when I mentioned the monthly costs of his upkeep. Some even had
the nerve to propose straight out I get rid of him. I'm not a mean person
per se but comments like that invoke a certain mischievous behaviour in
me and I love to annoy people like that by proclaiming with a most
serious face that Rufus is my baby and I'm his mummy.
Needles to say,
they don't invite me over for coffee anymore. Fine by me.