The single white rose was a token from the florists who did my bouquet |
Was a culmination of a 10 year long journey. And as such we wanted the
ceremony and the entire day to reflect who we are as people and to
really emanate our personal aesthetic. Mr. C and I have often discussed
our wedding day and like true perfectionists we've been making plans,
tossing together a collage of ideas, adding and subtracting details. But
the prime directive was and has always been the one location rule.
Traditional Slovene weddings include many customs and rituals which take
place on several different locations throughout the day which can be
very uncomfortable and exhausting for everyone. It was precisely this
that we wanted to avoid at all cost. If the was one thing we wanted to
skip this day was all the drama and the stress. So we opted to have our
civil ceremony at Ljubljana Castle and the wedding party at The Castle
restaurant (where I celebrated my 30th birthday as well).
What's a party without ballons? |
Imagine the pure luxury of waking up at 8 am on the morning of the
wedding, slowly sipping coffee and watching an old episode of Lost. Then
came the hairdresser, photographer and make up artist. Since we had
done a test look the week before I knew exactly what to expect and I
just sat, chatted with everyone and time passed slowly interrupted only
by the sound of the hair dryer or the gentle noises of a kabuki brush as
make up was applied.
More flowers |
Mr. C's best man arrived as agreed at 1 p.m. looking sharp with his tie
perfectly straight while we were still in our lounge wear getting ready.
We departed for the Castle about an hour later, had our photos taken in
the beautiful park that surround the Castle and then I guess the only
thing left to do was to actually get married. The ceremony was
beautiful: sweet and meaningful. I even remember laughing at one point.
Wedding bouquet |
All in all it was a perfect day. Everything went smoothly, we could
really just relax and enjoy ourselves. Our guests were a select group of
close relatives and dear friends thus making it in the words of one of
our guests: "A very intimate, warm and personal event." I was overjoyed
to hear this because it was exactly what we wanted our guests to
I'm still waiting for the official wedding photos, in the mean time a
couple of snapshots I took with my tiny pink camera just as a sneak
Party favours, make up essentials, wedding rings and flowers and a check list |
One of my favourite moments (apart from the getting
married bit, of course) was the introduction of the guests. A ritual we
borrowed from my cousin's wedding. It's quite simple: somewhere after
the initial start of the party, but preferably early on, the groom
stands up and introduces himself and asks the guests that as the
microphone travels from one guest to the next that they stand up
introduce themselves and briefly explain how they know the bride or the
groom. Imagine a room full of people beginning the sentence:" I've known
them for many years, decades, all my life,...) expressing their joy and
sharing anecdotes from our mutual past. It was very moving to say the
Vintage enamelled brooch |
The brooch in the last picture was a wedding gift from a dear old
friend. I can't even put into words how very deeply moved I was when
receiving it. It comes with a bit of a history and a lot of sentiment.
My friend had bought it over a decade ago and I had been
pining over it ever since. He said he couldn't imagine a more suitable
gift for such an occasion and I couldn't agree more. It serves as a
reminder that
dreams do come true, you just have to be patient.