It's been more than a year since I started blogging regularly. The 5 posts I wrote in 2010 don't really count as active blogging :-) And it's been only a few months since I started coming out to friends and relatives about keeping a blog.
To anyone who asks I still refer to myself as a newbie. But after one year, a significant increase in exposure and a blog format pretty much set I believe my grace period is over. That's okay. No drama.
As time went by I felt more and more comfortable letting people in. We've moved from me posting about my stuff and my DIY to sharing some vulnerable moments as well as some happy ones. And as honest and open as I try to write about myself there is still a large portion of my life that I keep off the blog. Some things are private, others, I feel are irrelevant and still some are difficult to translate into written word and equally if not more difficult to translate to English.
A bouquet for my mum for her birthday |
The most interesting phenomenon has been telling my friends about my blog. The people who see what I include or choose not to include in my posts. Though no one ever asks I get a lot of quizzical looks when something didn't make the cut. I'm quite sure it comes off as a sort of split personality effect.
Re-reading my posts as I often do I sometimes get a strange out of body experience because I am reliving the same event twice: As it actually happened and as I wrote about it. There is a definite distinction and try as I may there will always be one.
That whole lost in translation thing comes to mind...
This post is meant as one part my observations on the subject and one part explanation/apology why I've been absent from the blogosphere for the past couple of weeks. I miss it more than I can ever begin to explain, I miss visiting the regular blogs I follow and commenting, participating in the debate. I feel so terribly disconnected and yes I just realized yesterday was the first Friday of the month and I haven't written a film review post. Which makes it the second in a row.
Detail of an exhibit piece from MSUM, Modern musem Metelkova, Ljubljana |
I've also been involved in a couple of projects I haven't really discussed on the blog yet: one of them being a a two months course to become a guide for visually impaired in the field of culture (galleries and museums). I've met so many wonderful new people, we discussed the problems the blind face on a daily basis, stuff we tend to overlook (pun intended!) or not really conceptualize.
I've also seen so many of Ljubljana's galleries and museums , I'm ashamed to admit I didn't even know some of them exist. All in all a timely reminder to reacquaint myself with culture. I've begun to realize this kind of involvement and real human interaction was missing from my life. But it can be pretty scary, looking back on the past 5 months and see the swift changes.
For one, I'm beginning to look my age and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad one...