The 9th Wonder of the Modern World: the Internet. The almighty, all
powerful, all seeing, all knowing Internet. My fascination with this
creature of electrons and wires is known to all my readers and I think I
periodically return to this subject.
Today from another point of view: a rather provocative question if you will: Do you believe the Internet is helping or hindering the creative potential of mankind?
On the one hand, the World has gotten infinitesimally smaller. We are now able to exchange ideas with people from across the Planet in seconds. Which certainly promotes multiculturalism and does have the power to advance the human innovative potential.
On the other hand it is making us lazy. Why go to the library, or look up a word in the dictionary when you can Google it instead. Why develop a pattern for a dress, an idea for a story? Google it! Someone, somewhere out there has done it already. So we can just take their idea, copy paste it on our Facebook wall and for a minute or two we'll even appear profound or ingenious. And then somebody else will paste it on their wall till it becomes just another chain letter sort of conversation filler.
Until next time I leave you with this, sans caption and I'm very interested in your opinion on creativity as well as the young man in the video:
Today from another point of view: a rather provocative question if you will: Do you believe the Internet is helping or hindering the creative potential of mankind?
On the one hand, the World has gotten infinitesimally smaller. We are now able to exchange ideas with people from across the Planet in seconds. Which certainly promotes multiculturalism and does have the power to advance the human innovative potential.
On the other hand it is making us lazy. Why go to the library, or look up a word in the dictionary when you can Google it instead. Why develop a pattern for a dress, an idea for a story? Google it! Someone, somewhere out there has done it already. So we can just take their idea, copy paste it on our Facebook wall and for a minute or two we'll even appear profound or ingenious. And then somebody else will paste it on their wall till it becomes just another chain letter sort of conversation filler.
Until next time I leave you with this, sans caption and I'm very interested in your opinion on creativity as well as the young man in the video: